The Christian and jews will get nothing in the end

 According to the Bible, God offers you a ridiculous reward for obedient, righteous believers who overcome evil.

The following is stated in the Book of Revelation 2:17

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give some of the hidden manna to eat. And I will give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written which no one knows except him who receives it

So, according to the Book of Revelation, Jesus will offer you something hidden to eat!

What an illusion!

Likewise, Jesus will present to you a stone with a new name on it !!!

What nonsense

I am amazed when a Christian spends his life worshiping Jesus, and in the end he gets just an engraved stone!!!!

The strange thing is that, according to the Old Testament, or what the Jews call the Tanakh, there is no verse that explicitly speaks about the existence of Paradise or a place of bliss after death. Rather, all that is stated in the Bible is that some people die in peace..., and therefore you will find many Some Jews deny the resurrection, such as the Sadducees, and most Jews do not care about what comes after death. The Tanakh made them more like atheists. The religious Jew will get nothing in the end.

My friend, come and abandon the myths of the Bible.

 Islam is the path to happiness.

The Christian and jews will get nothing in the end

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